
Student Achievements


Students' Achievement in Academics

Students' Achievement in Sports

We take pride in showcasing our students' exceptional achievements in academics and sports. Their hard work and dedication have resulted in impressive performances across various subjects and many awards in interschool competitions. These accomplishments reflect their commitment to excellence and teamwork, as well as the supportive learning environment created by our educators. We applaud their enthusiasm and determination, encouraging them to continue striving for success in all their pursuits.


Earth Explorer

Environmental Awareness

STEM Education

Networking and Recognition

Kangaroo Math

International Math Competition

Wide Participation Across Grade Levels

Reasoning and Problem Solving

Beaver Computational

Computational Thinking

Real-World Applications of Technology

Global Competitiveness

Big Science

International Science Challenge

Critical Thinking and Scientific Literacy

Boosts Interest in STEM Careers

Kancil Science

Scientific Knowledge and Problem-Solving Skills

Interest in STEM Education

Recognition and Academic Development

Kijang Economics

Economics and Financial Literacy

Real-World Economic Issues

Recognition and Career Development


Dodge Ball

Physical Fitness

Confidence Boost

Teamwork and Collaboration


Physical Fitness

Skill Improvement

Boosted Confidence